it's been cold so long here in new york, I've forgotten how nice it could feel to be outside. lately it's been beautiful. everyone is outside during the day, wearing dresses and playing frisbee and making out on the lawns. it's finally spring time and it couldn't have come any sooner.
these few months have been alright, though not too productive (school wise/stress about what to do this summer). I've had two visitors, I spent a day in central park. I broke into an abandoned school up in harlem. while in the crumbling ruins, I tried to rewind my film and it snapped in half in my camera. this made it impossible to put in a new roll cus I tried to save what was still coiled in the take up-spool. so I didn't get to photograph half of what I wanted to. but oh well, some photos came out of it, not to mention a really fucking creepy and surreal experience.
alsoooo this was 200 ASA film and my ISO knob was on 400 ASA so they're a little over exposed.
*~~**shout out to joe zakko for the free roll o' film :)
we'll stay like this, all gold and green
lol ugh
this is
the beautiful jessica
a face in the grain
you stood in glowing rooms, the light dripping from both of you
PS 186
italian man with the pants yo
ahah jessica and niki had met him the night before on the subway |
the funeral home, "where beauty softens your grief"
a dr. seuss spice garden
victor all ethereal and shit |
zachary's pose of choice |
ya |
zach in the sky |
a man and his bike
exposuuuuure |
zachary in a dome
so handsome
jazzy and reading
central park boathouse lovers
yodeling for money
zachary seated on tufts of grass
zachary's disdain
the strange tree portraits continue
outdoors is in
taken on our scurry back to the blake hotel with ~2 minutes to avoid being late/tia's demise
she's beautiful |