
lost 2013 black & white

random photos I never got to scan onto my computer. mostly canada & seminole shenanigans. 


hang me up to dry



rest in peace, I love you

marshmellows avec les cousines

miss florida seminole & jr. miss 2013-2014

big cypress reservation

photo II: relationships

this project just came about over time. it began with this vague idea of "dependency," which was going to describe both positive and negative aspects of what it means to be dependent on other people or inanimate things like substances. I wanted to show compromise, good and bad.

but it grew into a kind of catalog of my relationship at the time. there are aspects of dependency and vulnerability of course, but it's more of a narrative. it's an intimate perspective into how we interact when we are alone, how we navigate the world as lovers.  I had a lot of fun with this because I'm constantly taking pictures of zach anyways, he's an awesome muse.

photo II: femininity

my main project  for photo II was "exploring femininity" through myself and others around me, regardless of sex or gender.

I wanted to see how behavior, body language, textures and tones could describe something as "feminine" because it's not necessarily a fixed concept in a binary way, and it's not biological. it is a concept that was created and manifests itself in different ways to different communities or individuals. it's easy to forget that there are expressions of femininity other than pretty/symmetrical faces, fair skin, long hair, thinness, expensive clothes, fake boobs, etc. etc. those are the images and "rules" we're taught through mainstream images like advertisement and movies/tv shows/pop stars in western culture.

I feel like I see femininity more as a comfortability in being vulnerable, both in sharing one's own vulnerability and respecting others'.

hookah goddess
