

the sisters & I went to vizcaya over thanksgiving break. it's so extra.


cool yung art student

bein the dutchess


november 2014

november was a really weird month... the eric garner grand jury decision was super triggering/fucked up & hard to navigate emotionally. the worst part is it's yet another murder our justice system has failed to recognize EVEN WITH VIDEO PROOF. so fucking infuriating & depressing. I'm v grateful for my communities & friends in new york bc we have each other to support in supporting black lives. it's tensions like this that can be super polarizing in terms of who I chose to surround myself w & what fundamental politics I want to recognize in others as an indigenous woman. it feels good to be w people u trust when rejecting yet another oppressive/racist outlet of this dumb as country that was built on genocide & slavery. so much love for my beautiful bbs of color <3

on a lighter note, I FINALLY got to see ryan hemsworth! his new album "alone for the first time" is really neat to witness bc it's his first showcase of a conceptually tight body of work & songwriting. he featured a lot of sick indie artists for vocals like lontalius & alex g. I think my favorite rn is "by myself" w little cloud. & his show was fucking phenomenal. he had a lot of light props & involved visuals on a projector. a thing I really admire abt ryan is his commitment to the experience of his art. he makes sure it's a well-rounded & interactive experience. such good vibes & energy, definitely one of the funnest nights of 2014. 

the rest of the photos are random shots of yung lean, fucking around in nyc & thanksgiving break back in ftl ~

los campesinos


demonstration against police brutality

yung lean's uggs, upset security guard

my blonde sister

hunter & dew

hey beau

we look so prepared!

yung inuit we out here en route to ryan squaaaaaad


goin dumb


@ hot rabbit omg

rare jenny wang appearance


selects from halloween

halloween this year lololol. we went out around campus which sucked butt so we went downtown in hopes of seeing tinashe at webster. but like most nights out, we ended up dancing w the queens at le bain.

i n c r e d i b l e

don't fuck w us

starbucks @ 6:30 am

storm king art center

so fucking cold & windy but so breath-taking. lots of nam june paik & other incredible sculptures. we went to coldspring for moo moo's ice cream afterwards. v worth it.

zhang huan

nam june paik

coldspring sunset

niki & kyle, the side bitch

creepy small towns